The development and introduction of digital technology for the past three decades have affected every aspect of human life. Since the introduction of digital technology in schools and colleges, most Graphic Design(GD) students have had difficulties making use of these digital technologies for their various artistic expressions. Therefore, exploiting the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the visual arts classroom has been rather challenging for students

The simple random sampling method was used to select 400 students from the four schools to answer the designed questionnaire. The result revealed that GD students do not involve computer applications in design knowledge to enhance creativity in the Visual Arts class because they were not taught how to use the computer application software for their practical work. It is recommended that there is a need to investigate to know the factors affecting the proper integration of ICT in the learning of Visual Art at the SHS level. Secondly, students should be trained to use ICT software to do Graphic Design work in the classroom.

Inquiry into challenges faced by Graphic Design Students in Senior High Schools using Graphic Design softwares

develop the skills and knowledge necessary to work with the rapidly evolving tools and software and should be able to tackle artificial intelligence. It is therefore recommended that GD teachers should take up the steps to teach GD students the need to use computer software for graphic designing, using GD applications software for project-based assignments, using online research for brainstorming, drawing inspiration online for project-based assignments, posting visual communication media designed by them on social media to gain likes, and turning hard copies of portfolio onto CD-ROM. GD teachers should also teach Corel-draw, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel-Photo Paint, Page-maker, Publisher and InDesign ‘Desktop Publishing’ as part of Technological Content knowledge in ICT integration. Again, they should demonstrate how to use design software to GD students. These skills are noted to be digital literacy ability which is derived from ICT integration.

Students should be encouraged to combine traditional methods with the use of ICT tools in creating communication media. They can practice making simple outlines on the computer print them out and paint them in the traditional way. Line drawing can also be incorporated into other digital forms where digital photography is turned into a very elegant pen and ink sketch with a watercolour wash and a line drawing it can be printed on fine art paper and used to begin a traditional media painting. Digital painting offers a lot of opportunities where the painter can make changes to the work at any time.

Digital Media Practices: Exploring the Challenges of Graphic Design Students in the Senior High Schools in Ghana

Author: Adashie Michael and George Kushiator

Date: October, 2023