3.1.1. Challenge: Time Management and Workload

Consistent with the principles of SCT, Participant 1 mentioned that managing time and coping with a heavy workload were significant challenges during their industrial attachment. These challenges can impact self-regulation, as individuals need to effectively manage their time, set priorities, and allocate resources to meet deadlines.

3.1.2. Challenge: Adapting to Industry Expectations

Adapting to industry expectations aligns with the observational learning aspect of SCT. Participant 2 highlighted the difficulty of aligning their theoretical knowledge with the practical requirements of their industrial attachment. Through observation and modeling, they learned from industry professionals and utilized their self-efficacy beliefs to adapt their skills and meet industry standards.

3.1.3. Challenge: Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration involve both observational learning and self-efficacy. Participant 3 discussed the challenges faced in effectively communicating design ideas and collaborating with team members. Through observing and modeling effective communication strategies, developing self-efficacy in their communication abilities, and actively seeking feedback, they were able to overcome these challenges and improve their collaborative skills.

An integral component of graphic design education is industrial attachment, which gives students the chance to develop practical skills and close the knowledge gap between theory and real-world experience. This study explores the challenges and prospects experienced by graphic design students during their industrial attachment training, utilizing the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) as a theoretical framework. Through qualitative research, data were collected via interview guide with eight (8) purposively selected graphic design students undergoing industrial attachment at Takoradi Technical University in the 2022/2023 academic year

The target population for this study includes all Department of Graphic Design students at Takoradi Technical University (TTU) on internship for the 2022/2023 academic year, estimated to be approximately 1,200 students. However, the accessible population consists of B.Tech top-up graphic design students from the Department of Graphic Design Technology at TTU's Faculty of Applied Art and Technology. The participants are purposively selected from this accessible population using a purposive sampling technique.

The Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), which Albert Bandura proposed in 1986, is used in the current study as the theoretical underpinning for comprehending the challenges and prospects faced by graphic design students during their industrial attachment. SCT emphasizes the reciprocal interactions between personal factors, environmental influences, and behaviour, highlighting the role of observational learning, self-efficacy, and self-regulation in shaping individuals' experiences and outcomes in various contexts.

Challenges and Prospects of Industrial Attachments: The Experience of the Graphic Design Students

Author: Ebenezer Kwesi Amaquandoh

Date: July, 2023