In order to solve the problem that the manual input data work efficiency is low and the optimization cannot be achieved in thesection modulus calculation, the author proposes a computer-aided 3D graphic design method for ship hull structure. First,complete the modeling of the ship hull, complete the statistical calculation of the size in the CAD platform, solve the staticmoment, and complete the three-dimensional modeling; Calculate the inertial load and wave load of the ship during work, andcalculate the wave bending moment, and substitute it into the three-dimensional model for verification. Finally, according to thecomputer-aided three-dimensional graphic design process, the specification verification of the ship’s scale is completed, thegraphic file is associated with the database, and the three-dimensional graphic design is completed.

The industrial transfer trend of international manufacturing is the biggest opportunity for the development of China’s shipbuilding industry. However, affected by the deep adjustment of the international shipping market, deep-seated problems such as “difficulty in financing”, “difficulty in delivery” and “difficulty in making profits” still exist, and the shipbuilding industry is still facing a severe situation.

e configuration optimization of the material in the middlesection of the ship is mainly based on the CAD interactivecalculation program, which changes the shortcomings of theprevious semiautomatic manual data input, improves thework efficiency and the calculation efficiency of the graphicdesign, and effectively completes the graphic design opti-mization of the middle section in the three-dimensionalgraphic design of the ship, effectively reducing the hull cabinmaterial and weight and save cost. However, the author’sstructural optimization module only supports grain andmodal analysis, so only the strength check is carried out inthe process of graphic design, and the check analysis ofbuckling and other aspects is also lacking. is problemneeds to be solved in future research.

Application of Computer 3D Modeling Technology in Graphic Image Design

Author: Jin Liu

Date: 2022