ith the development of modern communication technology, photography technology, computer

technology and the application of digital communication concept, people have officially entered the

era of graphic language. Various kinds of graphic languages have clearly surpassed other visual

languages such as words and become the primary medium for modern people to communicate ideas and obtain information. In particular, the combination of "visualization" and "graphic" technology

has given the graphic language multiple forms of expression, and its function has extended from a

single documentary to the communication of artistic ideas and the expression of the subject's emotions.

This paper explores the application of the combination of "visualization" and "graphics" in

the expression of graphic advertising design. Based on the contents of psychology and advertising,

literature research, comparative analysis, empirical research, and interdisciplinary research are used

to identify feasible ways to present visual expressions that combine "visualization" and "graphics".

The technology that combines "visualization" and " graphics" has enriched the presentation of

graphic design, broadened the expression of graphic design, and provided new room for the creation

and expression of two-dimensional graphic advertising design.

In the field of print advertising, images processed by digital technology can give

audiences a more graphic and three-dimensional presentation, helping designers to convey more

accurate creative intentions. In view of this, it is necessary to systematically summarize and conclude

the expressive qualities of the combination of "visualization" and "graphic", find out the general idea

of its design integration, establish a practical application system of the combination of "visualization"

and "graphic", and expand the new space for the development of print advertising.

The combination of "visualization" and "graphics" features image-making skills and emotional

communication power that have brought about an all-round change in modern print advertising design, enriching the subject matter of print advertising creation and innovating print advertising design methods. In integrating digital influences into print advertising, designers should pay attention to the combination of technical aspects and humanity factors. Moreover, they should infuse their works with both brilliant appearance and rational thinking so that they can highlight the innovative concept of their works.